Community Programs
A variety of programs exist to aid and educate our community in safety and good practices. Please contact us to learn more about the below and other programs or to partake in any of our programs. Additionally, we welcome your feedback to make these programs better.

Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors are proven to save lives through the early detection of fire in occupancies. CHFD provides complimentary smoke detectors to families who lack the means to provide their own. We also provide complimentary battery replacement in existing detectors.
Car Seat Checks
Car seats and the laws surrounding the use of car seats have come a long way in recent years. It can be cumbersome when getting a new car seat to understand the proper use it in your particular make and model of vehicle. CHFD has personnel specially trained in the installation of car seats to ensure the safety of your little ones.
Fire/Safety Education
Fire/safety education from an early age is crucial to understanding the dangers of fire and knowing what to do when there is a fire or other emergency. CHFD provides numerous hours of fire/safety education to hundreds of grade school children, boy/girl scout troops, and other groups throughout the year. We can offer education on a variety of topics such as fire, basic first-aid, bicycle safety, and electrical safety. In addition to education classes for youth, we also offer courses to adults, such as the proper use of fire extinguishers.
After The Fire

When there has been a fire in a residence, a family’s life can be turned completely upside down. There are countless questions about insurance, medications, where to live, who to contact, etc. CHFD offers assistance and direction to these and other questions.
Pre-Incident Planning
When an emergency occurs, there is no time to get a thorough understanding of an occupancy and the dangers it may pose. For the safety of the community and firefighters, CHFD takes opportunities to visit commercial and industrial occupancies before an incident occurs. The purpose of these visits is to get an idea of the layout of the structure and to document any hazards. This allows for a pre-planned response, knowing what will be needed and how to approach the emergency, should one occur.
Residential Fire Safety Surveys
Similar to pre-incident planning in commercial occupancies, a residential fire safety survey can inform the home occupants of various safety concerns before an incident does occur. Things looked at typically include: carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, electrical hazards, kitchen hazards, chemical storage and use, evacuation plans, etc.
Juvenile Fire Setters
Juvenile fire-setting has been identified as the fastest growing fire threat in the United States. CHFD has partnered with the Colorado Springs Fire Department to evaluate a child’s level of fire-setting/fire play through an educational assessment with the child and the parents. The intent of this program is to reduce or eliminate repeat fires started by youth.

Knox Box Rapid Entry System
CHFD has partnered with the Knox Company to offer secure key boxes to occupancies within the District. Required by fire code, secure key boxes allow CHFD access to buildings after hours to investigate an incident such as fires, fire alarms, etc. without causing unnecessary damage to the structure. The intent of the key box is to securely hold keys and other access information necessary for firefighters in an emergency. The Knox Company offers a variety of options to business and home owners to meet their specific needs. Examples of these options can be viewed, and orders placed, on the knoxbox website >