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CORA Records Request

Cimarron Hills Fire Protection District (CHFPD) Records Management is responsible for providing requested EMS and Fire Reports, as well as other public records, while ensuring all information is released in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) Act of 1996, applicable confidentiality laws, and the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA).

Please complete the CHFPD Records Request form.  Completed requests may be emailed to, dropped off at or mailed to our Headquarters Office, or submitted via the link below.  Required documentation for release of personal information is noted on the form.  Responses to requests are generally received within 3 (CHFPD) business days. 

CHFD Administrative offices are open M-Th from 0800-1600.

Questions?   Contact us at 719-591-0960


Use the form below to submit your Records request:

Please complete/upload our required RECORDS REQUEST form with your submission.

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